In-person Care Has Started at New England Neurological Associates, PC
New England Neurological providers are now scheduling in-person visits for more routine and elective care as allowed by state guidelines. We also continue to offer virtual visits by telephone and video. Please contact your provider’s office via our Patient Portal or phone to discuss appointment options that are best suited to your particular need.
We look forward to caring for you – both virtually and in-person!
Our Commitment to Safe Care During COVID-19
The safety of our patients and staff is our highest priority. Please take a minute to read about the enhanced screening, social distancing, and cleaning and disinfecting procedures we are using each day to protect you and our staff when you need to come in for a visit.
New Patient and Visitor Policy
At this time, our visitor policy enables each patient to be accompanied by a single visitor to their in-person visit.
Like patients, all accompanying visitors should wear a mask, be ready to answer screening questions at the door, and have their temperature taken by our medical assistant. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a safe environment for all.
Patient and Visitor Policies
If you or a family member has an in-person appointment at one of our practices or is coming in to use our lab services, please read the below information regarding our new policies, intended to keep our patients and staff safe. Please learn more about the many ways we are Committed to Safe Care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Governor Baker issued an order effective Wednesday, May 6 requiring face masks or cloth face coverings to be worn in public places where social distancing is not possible. New England Neurological Associates supports this Order and asks that all patients and visitors wear face masks while in our practices. Read the full DPH guidance and find more detailed information in the state’s Covid-19 - Face Covering.
To protect the health of our patients and staff, only one visitor is permitted to accompany a patient to their visit. Every visitor who enters a New England Neurological practice will be screened for respiratory tract symptoms, including fever and/or cough, sudden loss of taste or smell, exposure to COVID-19, and whether they have a recent history of COVID-19. If a visitor has respiratory symptoms, sudden loss of taste or smell, has been recently exposed to or confirmed to have COVID-19, they will not be permitted to enter the practice. We are also following the same screening protocol for any vendors or business partners who visit our practices in the course of normal operations. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a safe environment for all.
Safe Care During COVID-19
Maintaining a Safe Environment for Patients and Staff
We know that safety is at the forefront of everyone’s minds and we have been taking extra precautions for the health of our patients and staff. With the start of more in-person care as allowed by the state, we have been hard at work preparing our practice locations and care teams to provide the safest care environment possible when you come in for an appointment. Below are some of the enhanced screening, social distancing, cleaning and disinfecting procedures we are using each day. If for any reason you are unsure about keeping an appointment, please call your care team’s office to discuss what options may be available to help you receive needed care and medical advice.
- Patients are verbally screened for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure history when making an appointment, 48 hours before coming in for an appointment or procedure, and when entering our buildings. Any essential visitor accompanying a patient is also screened.
- All patients and essential visitors additionally have their temperature taken with a thermometer at the entrance of our buildings.
- Staff are required to be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and exposure history prior to entering our sites for their work shift.
- Surgical masks or face coverings are required for all patients, essential visitors and staff
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer and access to hand hygiene is readily available for patient and staff use
- Staff perform hand hygiene before and after all patient contact
- Wait rooms, common areas and workspaces have been rearranged for social distancing
- We are limiting the number of people in our facilities and allowing only visitors essential to the appointment
- Virtual care appointments by phone or video are offered whenever clinically appropriate
- All exam rooms and equipment are cleaned and disinfected after each patient visit
- All common area surfaces (e.g. chairs, check-in areas, doorknobs) are cleaned and disinfected frequently throughout the day
- We have removed reading materials and other items from waiting areas
- Pens and pencils are discarded or disinfected after each use